I could sit here and talk about how many weddings I have photographed, how long I have had my photography business, and when I picked up my first camera. I could talk about the road I took to get to this point in time and all bout my background as a wedding planner gave me credentials in the events industry; But I won't do that.

Instead, I will share with you how I feel deeply, and love even more deeply. I will share with you how I am an emotional being who takes the honor of serving others with my whole heart and with the utmost care. I will talk about how sometimes, photographs are all we have, and how I consider that invaluable.

Whether it is the day you marry the love of your life, or the warmth in your smile as you look out at the most beautiful valley as you exchange vows with your soulmate, or a behind the scenes capture of your livelihood and what you pride yourself on... My goal is to help you remember how it felt.
My business was founded upon my own love story, and the power that loving another human being has on one's soul. But since then, my little hub of the world has become so much more than just photographing love stories solely. It has become a place where I feel drawn to photograph everything I love, enjoy and connect to. I love photographing the art of living and how each person lives on this planet so differently.

As cheesy as it may sound, the emotions and experiences that we share are the foundation of why I love what I do so much. Love is life. To live is to love. Love is what keeps us moving, what motivates us, and what inspires us all. Whether this is how we love our partner, our family, ourselves, our home or what we do here on this Earth.

I could sit here and talk about how many weddings I have photographed, how long I have had my photography business, and when I picked up my first camera. I could talk about road I took to get to this point in time and all bout my credentials in the events industry that helped me get here; But I won't do that.

Instead, I will share with you how I feel deeply, and love even more deeply. I will share with you how I am an emotional being who takes the honor of serving others with my whole heart and with the utmost care. I will talk about how sometimes, photographs are all we have, and how I consider that invaluable.

Whether it is the day you marry the love of your life, or the warmth in your smile as you look out at the most beautiful valley as you exchange vows with your soulmate, or a behind the scenes capture of your livelihood and what you pride yourself on... My goal is to help you remember how it felt.
My business was founded upon my own love story, and the power that loving another human being has on one's soul. But since then, my little hub of the world has become so much more than just photographing love stories solely. It has become a place where I feel drawn to photograph everything I love, enjoy and connect to. I love photographing the art of living and how each person lives on this planet so differently.

As cheesy as it may sound, the emotions and experiences that we share are the foundation of why I love what I do so much. Love is life. To live is to love. Love is what keeps us moving, what motivates us, and what inspires us all. Whether this is how we love our partner, our family, ourselves, our home or what we do here on this Earth.

I don't niche. I love photographing people, places and the ways they are connected throughout the story. My photography is honest, and rooted in love.

Alexandria rraci;
a new york & jackson, wyoming based photographer, wife, artist and storyteller.

Behind the Lens

With love,

In today's photography world, there is a pressure to fit yourself into a single niche. Since I started my business in 2020, I have struggled with the pressure of only photographing one thing. My heart loves weddings, as a newlywed myself there is nothing more special than having someone document your story and being all-in with the most special day of your life. As a future-mother, I believe in preserving moments for families and the value of photographing motherhood and its beauty. As an explorer, I love photographing wildlife and landscapes and documenting my travels. As a business owner and entrepreneur, I understand the value of photographing brands and telling the story and aesthetic of that business. As someone who grew up with an appreciation of the wildness and the great outdoors, I love photographing brands that embody this mutual respect. I'll never fit into one niche, my heart is passionate about too many things for that.

My work is inspired by the art of living. Whether this is how you love, live or work in your day-to-day life.

Photographs of us taken by the following artists
@megan.niger | @brooksandpine | @peytonrbyford | @untraditionalweddings

Photographs of us taken by the following artists

These are a few of my favorite things...

my daughter's curls.
love letters.
horse stables.
old romance.
fall leaves.
my daughter's big, green eyes.
belly laughs.
flowers, especially peonies.
cozy cabins.
seeing strangers smile.
fly fishing.
coffee shops.
a chai tea latte.
dancing in the rain.
alpine lakes.
my better half.
our fluffs, Leo & Koda.
dogs, all animals really.
wildflowers. wild horses.
the underrated feeling of a long hug.
the sound of morning doves.
love poems.
cross country road trips.
polaroid photos.
the mountains.
the winding waters of a roaring river.

art. adventure. european coastlines. preserving the traditions of the great outdoors. the wild west. god's creatures. human connection. mother nature's landscapes. the hard-working backbone of america. golden hour. mountains.

Inspired By

My husband and I have been together since 2015 and were recently married in the Fall of 2022. In August of 2021, I was hired to photograph a wedding in Montana, which proved to be the opportunity that would align my entire life. We decided to turn this opportunity into a cross country road-trip, and eventually made our way to the state of Wyoming. It is here, in Grand Teton National Park, where Etnik proposed after a five-hour long hike. From here, we traveled up to Montana to photograph the wedding that completely pivoted my entire career and the image of what I wanted my life to look like.

This road trip was an extremely transformational experience. It allowed me to find a place that I now consider my home. Throughout our planning process, we decided to have a two-part wedding where we eloped with a handful of our family members in Grand Teton National Park and return to the East Coast to celebrate our reception with all of those we hold close. Our wedding was truly a spiritual and healing experience. Throughout the wedding planning process we gained so much insight into the lives we want to lead and the open future ahead of us.

I believe in the art of living. I am inspired by Earth's natural beauty and how we all live in tune with Her.

raw & uncut.

I believe that the moments you want to remember aren't always perfect or scripted, they are uncut and raw. I want to capture connection. Whether this is with your partner, your livelihood, your environment or yourself.

My Guiding Compass

remember how it felt.

rooted in love. rooted in nature.

honest storytelling.

raw & emotive.

remember how it felt.

My goal is to capture a feeling, an emotion, your story. I thrive off of nostalgia and how photography can bring you right back to a moment, a feeling. I strive to provide my clients with memories. I want you to remember how it felt.

My Guiding Compass

rooted in love. rooted in nature.

honest storytelling.

rooted in love, rooted in nature.

Whether this is rooted in love or rooted in nature... I always capture the essence of the "where" and the "why." I truly believe that our environment shapes us and has an impact on our energy.

My Guiding Compass

remember how it felt.

raw & emotive.

honest storytelling.

raw & emotive.

remember how it felt.

rooted in love. rooted in nature.

honest storytelling.

Every photograph I capture tells a story. Your gallery is built upon the deepest intention and every photo included is intended to tell a different angle of your story.

My Guiding Compass

09. what is your biggest strength in being visible online?

I am an emotional being and tend to be pretty vulnerable in all that I share. I love showing others that they can do the same and that no one is ever alone.

a. Facebook 
b. Tik Tok
c. Instagram
d. Pinterest

08. What is your favorite social platform?

a. Out in nature
b. Cozying up by a bonfire with my friends and family
c. When I visit my family in Greece
d. All of the above

07. Where do you feel most at home?

Going to our local coffee shop and taking a walk with my husband and our little family.

06. what is your favorite morning routine?

a. Coffee
b. Beer
c. Soda
d. Juice

05. Drink of choice

My family.

04. What is one thing you can't live without?

a. Hiking
b. Snowboarding
c. Fishing
d. All of the above

03. what is one outdoor activity you can't give up?

Iced chai latte with oat milk.

02. How do you take your coffee?

a. Fixer Upper
b. Gossip Girl
c. Peaky Blinders
d. Yellowstone

01. what is currently on your Netflix watch list?

Think you know me already? take A quiz!

reach out and say hello.

Let's capture your story as art.